Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Guess what it was I saw today?
Said little Mary Anne McCray
I saw a Tree and it was brown
You may have seen them around town

But this was a very special tree
For as I passed it winked at me
And said to me "how is your day?
How are you Mary Anne McCray?"

And I was stunned my legs were weak
'Cause as you know no tree can speak
And I knew for sure that I was crazy
but it spoke again - it was amazing

I'm a tree a tree is me
I try to be the best tree I can be
But look around and I'm sure you'll see
That standing in this park's too much for me

I may look tough but I am old
150 years sitting here, truth be told
And all this sitting has me down
I'd like to see the rest of town

I'm sorry to hear your sad sad tale
Said little Mary with a wail
But I've no idea just what to do
I'm just so much smaller than you

And the tree said

I see your point I'm so forlorn
Perhaps though you could take an acorn
And plant it in the center of town
That way I could pass my legacy down

So Mary did as she was told
In the shadow of a tree that was really old
She took the pod and laid it down
Direct in the middle of the center of town

And as the day wore on and the sun flew by
The tree had had enough and gave a cry
It shriveled up and disappeared
Simultaneously a leaf appeared
Direct int the middle of the center of town
And by now the sun was down
And the leaf said "Thank you Mary I'm now a happy tree
As happy as any tree can be"

And that's the end of this story

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