Saturday, September 1, 2012

Republican Convention

This is the time yes the time of the year
The time for conventions is drawing quite near
The RN convention is starting again
Amidst a powerful tropic hurricane

Do I care? No I don't cause it aint got a zing
You know its impossible to follow everything
The general election is still months away
So who cares who'll remember the things that they say?

Do you care? No you don't it's a waste of your time
What with your smart phone you're always online
You've got Facebook and email and much much more
Who has got time for the pols? OMG Such a bore!

I mean lets be serious does it matter anyway?
Have you ever known a pol who would do what he'd say?
The speech at the convention hit all the right notes
But it's all about posturing looking for votes

Conservative politics it seems to me
Is one part fiscal and twenty parts tea
But they come together with a strong message that
What ever you do please don't vote Democrat
Whatever we are we're much better than THAT

Now the Supreme's given corps a free say
The airways are full of attack ads each day
This one is horrible the next even worse
And all of this blinds us to any discourse
About the real problems in the US's course

Politics are politics and they're not gonna go away
But you cannot trust anything that anyone has to say
When all of its posturing trying to buy sway
I'm sorry. I'm out, I'ma watch Project Runway.
(They are much more pleasant to look at by the way)

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