Saturday, September 22, 2012

NOT only that

Can we take a pause, just to give recognition
To credit John Edwards the disgraceful politician
Yes Mr John Edwards, once upright and pure
Had a long way to fall, oh boy that's for sure

Now to his credit there was a time
When John Edwards like looked sublimely sublime
His marriage, his character, and his four kids
All seemed to sparkle with radiant glitz

Then he ran for president morally strong
And that was when everything started to go wrong

In 2007 he had an affair
So listen all you politicians out there
You're gonna get nipped yes your gonna get caught
So stop acting like you never gave it a thought

NOT only that, but Rielle had a kid
That ruined his possible presidental bid
So pols if you're out there looking out him with scorn
Remember: its much worse if a child is born
... This brought down the governator too so best be forewarned

NOT only that but he made a big flaw
'Cause he used campaign money - it's against the law
To use public money to cover up your sins
Wheeling and dealing just to save your own skin

NOT only that but he lied to us all
Yes he was a sham who's now hitting the wall
He went on trial and then was acquitted
But don't think to the senate he'll be readmitted

NOT only that but sadly its true
That he's not alone - no this is what pols do
Who's to save us now? Who can be trusted?
When upright politicians all seem to get busted

The great men and women with no flaw in sight
All seem to have secrets that they keep inside
So I say enough we should vote for a regular joe
... Maybe not the solution, but its one way to go

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