Saturday, September 22, 2012


It fills me with pleasure, it fills me with glea
The the republican party - the party of tea
Has seen fit to endorse a man named Romney
Which is great, cause it rhymes with "dorky poetry"

The October election is picking up steam
And candidates are strategizing along with their teams
And asked by his supports what kind of president he'd be
Romney said he only cares about the fifty three

Do you know? Did you hear - hear what Romney just said?
I think you must have heard it, it's been very widespread
Romney is running - he wants to be the president
Of the greatest earners out there - the top fifty three percent

Now it's not uncommon, no its no surprise
To hear that a pol has been telling us lies
So bravo to Romney for telling the truth
Though it may cost him the election - its really uncouth!

Romney has told us that he'd like to be
The CEO in charge of the best fifty three
Percent of Americans - hope that means you
Cause if not, well tough luck but what can you do?

Romney is smart - 'bout as smart as can be
He speaks on the road and he speaks on TV
He's trying his hardest, he's been making his plea
To be the leader of the fifty three

There are no candidates that I adore
And voting has become a voice against the one you hate more
But when you go voting and your choice is Romney
Feel good that he's looking out for the top fifty three

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