Sunday, September 16, 2012


If I have just one thing to tell
A little advice that I could lend
There's nothing that will keep you well
that's better for you than a friend

Friends are a key to a happy life
They stay will you no matter what
Even more than a husband or wife
You need friends when you're in a rut

Friends who love you hold you dear
They're always there right by your side
Yes no matter how far they're always near
If you've fallen off the ride

Friends are useful in finding your groove
They're always fun in games and play
And friends are necessary when you move
And on a cloudy, drizzly day

Friends are there through thick and thin
They pick you up when things are tough
They'll cheer you up with a sweet grin
And tell you they can't love you enough

Yes my friend heed my advice
Keep your friends in your life always
Because no matter the perils of you find in life
You'll be happy all your days.

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