Saturday, September 29, 2012

Free Speech

The issue in the headlines that's captured all the eyes
The issue of our time it seems on which the tempers rise
"We must defend free speech" they cry, "No matter what the cost"
"The most important thing to us no matter the lives lost"

But there are limits, I'm sure you'll all agree
To what can be said by you or me
To the limits to which speech should be free
And therein lies hypocritical

For instance if I'm at a show
And I shout "Fire!" that's a big no no
You can't cause panic in a large crowd
This kind of speech is simply not allowed

In your speech 'bout people of a certain kind
You are free to speak your mind
But you cannot say they deserve to die
Or even to get hit with a whipped cream pie

Speech is fine until it ain't
You're absolutely free to state your complaint
But your legal defense will have some weakness
If you go about sharing government secrets

Freedom of speech is never absolute
I hope in your head that by now you compute
That tho we hold free speech in our hearts
There are still limits to your remarks

The question never was o'er free speech
But rather how far we should reach
Permitting people to say their care
What is right and what is fair

America has this idea that our way is the best
When we compare us to the world there's really no contest
But stop a while and consider that others out there too
Have thought about life and what its for and how best to live it through

Though we like to think that we're ethically advanced
Wall street's done it share to show that our ethics were romanced
The only way for you and me to ever possibly be free
Will only come if we can see that everyone's as good and smart and worthy as me
... And try to not always push our pedegogery

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