Sunday, August 19, 2012

You so crazy!

Oh my god oh my god what did you just do?
What now made you do that? Is something wrong with you?

Did you did you did you? Just suck an ant up in your nose?
Tell me that I didn't see you drink from the garden hose

I know I can't have seen you take your sister's dolls
Bring them to the backyard n set fire to them all

I'm sure I'm sure you wouldn't do what just now you did
It wasn't you - please say its true - that covered the floor in squid

I know you'd never do this you'd never even think
To take my pet bird - yes I know its absurd - and then throw it down the sink

I know even you - oh please tell me its true
You wouldn't dare do what I saw you just do

Please stop that's enough get a hold of yourself!
You need to come down and get off of that shelf

Please please be behaved, sit up and eat your food
If you do this I promise I'll be in a good mood

Yet despite all the endless efforts I've construed
To get you to behave in the way that you should
In the end I've no choice, yes one must surely conclude
That there's nothing for it; you'll never be subdued

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