Sunday, July 22, 2012

Rhymer par excellence!

Billy was a rhymer
and no one could compare
'cause when he started rhyming,
he was the best out there

From east coast to the west coast
and everything between
He was the greatest rhymer
anyone had ever seen

However there's a legend
(I don't know if it's true)
That at the peak of glory
That he was then to lose

The legend speaks of Billy
Basking in his praise
When suddenly out of nowhere
Coming though the haze

There came a slight commotion
A minor peep or two
"Hey Billy!" someone say
"There's a guy here thinks he's better than you!"

And then walked in a person
As misshapen as can be
His toe was at his elbow
And his elbow at his knee

And he spoke to Billy quite loudly
"My name is Bob McGoo
And I've one hundred duckets in my hand
That says I'm better than you"

The crowd could not believe it
And Billy was aghast
"How did you get here stranger,
And who has let you pass?"

"No matter there's no problem
For you can head back to where you've been
For I am Billy the rhymer
And I'm the best that's ever been"

And the man spoke: "Nope. You're not"

A hush dwelled on the crowd
For with the gauntlet thrown
They knew that it would not be long
'till bob was running home

A challenger for Billy?
And a mangled one at that?
It's whimsical to think of
A topic to jest at

"Do you know what you speak of?
Do you know what you do?
I am the best rhymer there is to be found!"
Said Billy to McGoo

After Billy had spoken
McGoo looked quite forlorn
Perhaps he had come all this way
Only to retreat home?

For minute after minute
McGoo denied to speak
But just as people had given up
McGoo let out a peep:

"You're a dumb dumb fool. That's what I think of you"

Now when Billy heard this
His fuse he nearly blew
To hear someone not acknowledge his greatness
That he thinks he's better than you?

So Billy summoned all his skills
And held them in his chest
Then out at once they exploded
With sonic slamdown zest

"In case you haven't heard
In case you do not know
I am Billy T and I'm the greatest at this show

"Oft have I been challenged
By those silly enough to dare
Today you shall try your best
But you know you can't compare"

"Yes I am Billy the rhymer
rhyming is my share
and no one can contest this
there's no one can compare
I'm the greatest rhymer 
To all of you out there
There's one that compares to me
Come at me if you dare"

"Are you though? Sure you're through?" said Mr McGoo. 
As he furrowed up his brow
"You don't really know how to rhyme
I think so let me show you how"

Then McGoo began his rhyme - a legend for all time

My name is Bob McGoo
And I'm hear to tell you
You sound like a fool
And you look like one too

I got got rhymes that really chime
sublime beyond your slime
police use them to fight crime

Line after line the best is mine
You know your way behind
Your grimy slimy rhymy kind
takes up all of my time

My name is Bob McGoo
And I'm here to take your crown
And now you best start running
And please don't wear a frown
For no one likes a whinny brinny loser leaving town.

Knowing he was beaten
Billy could not understand
His world was turning upside down
He had to leave the land

So Billy hit the street and ran
Until his face was blue
And still he ran and ran and ran
From the legend of Bob McGoo

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