Monday, July 2, 2012

Remembrance of hair

So I'm starting this blog off today
And I'm really not sure what to say
The first thing that has come to mind
Is thoughts of my hair from years behind

It used to be flowing, it was really great
Personal pride in my hair I would take
But now sadly alas what a shame it is gone
And that is the inspiration for this poem

So now if you please I will lay myself bare
(If you are bald, you will know this, but for you others out there)

When one loses one's hair its a moment in life
To some degree blessing but in most ways a strife
Watching as hairs fall out and never fill back in
You start to dream about hair-dos you'll never have again

On the brighter side though its not as bad as that
A bald man has no need of a comb - just a hat!
The money I save every year on shampoo
Can be spent on wooing the women I woo
(Is that wrong? Is it really so taboo?)

A bald men life is simple it removes all the stress
Of going outside when your hair is a mess
Keep it real short and thin and beware of the sun
though should sun turn to hail with head bare run run run!

Now as a bald man it can rightfully be said
That I am a lucky one as I have a beautiful head!
But if its not working out for you a suggestion if I may?
If its not working out for you - maybe a toupee?

To the summary I go as my inspiration runs out
I've given my sermon and I don't mean to pout
Being bald is a blessing and also a curse
But most of all an inspiration for some dorky poetry discourse

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