Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Greyhound Bus

Creation of the world the bible says
Took just a week (that's seven days)
And all and all boy that was great
But then it all got undone by Satan on day eight

You may not know but its a fact
One that for a long time's been hidden from us
That on day 8 Satan came in
And on that day created Greyhound Bus

Between the seat size and the smell
The rather unctuous clientele
I have to say it seems to us
That hell on earth is Greyhound Bus

The fact the ride is such a slog
Ten million stops that you must make
Just getting up to providence
I thought my achy-breaky heart might really break

Speaking of breaking let me just say
Who let that driver drive? No way!
Not only could he not drive the bus
But he had all the personality of a fungus

Brothers and sisters hear me now!
'Cause Satan's knocking at our door
Next time you make a trip
That Greyhound Bus you do abhor

Into his arms do not collapse
Don't fall to temptation yes be strong
Be righteous don't give in
The Greyhound bus do not get on.

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