Tuesday, July 24, 2012


A long time ago in the land of the shire
There by the the water, and under the wires
In a bright but quite small little corner in St. Ayers
There was a small house that was shared by 3 friars

Together they lived their fastidious lives
None had possessions and none had a wife
They lived and they prayed and continued to thrive
As they all made quite sure that no warmth was deprived

One day the 3 friars decided to try
To cook their own food and not eat it all dry
The thought of baked bread did give them a sigh
But when push came to shove they decided to fry

So the friars took fry pants up onto the stove
The furrowed and furtive faces they strove
The menu was impeccable - daring and bold
The best food could be imagined by young or by old

The people of Ayers were alight
Because surely the friars when they were finished, they might
Share some of their dishes of delicious delight
And then all would be merry and all would be right

And the people arrived at a quarter past noon
To be first in line so to enter the Friars room
Everyone stood in line with their hand on their spoon
And they waited and waited for what would come soon

Hours they past and the noon turned to night
The air became colder and folks held themselves tight
But the people in line still held hope that they might
Get to take a bite of the friars' delicious delight

And as night turned to dawn with the rise of the sun
The people in line chanced to happen upon
The friars alive in the kitchen in their aprons
And they said to themselves food is surely anon!

And as dawn turned to days and the days into weeks
The people in line - well they'd gotten quite weak
Some of them had even forgotten how to speak
As the weeks turned to months the whole scene had grown bleak

And then suddenly quite loudly the door swung full out
And people in line well they let out a shout
There were sausages with mushrooms and sour kraut
There was immaculately cooked river trout
There on the table a mountain of green sprouts
There was so much food their that folks - they passed out!

Never to recover and never they would
But boy to have seen all that food - it was good!
Now they lie in boxes of brown sandalwood
Buried beneath the ground with their food  

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