Saturday, September 29, 2012

Free Speech

The issue in the headlines that's captured all the eyes
The issue of our time it seems on which the tempers rise
"We must defend free speech" they cry, "No matter what the cost"
"The most important thing to us no matter the lives lost"

But there are limits, I'm sure you'll all agree
To what can be said by you or me
To the limits to which speech should be free
And therein lies hypocritical

For instance if I'm at a show
And I shout "Fire!" that's a big no no
You can't cause panic in a large crowd
This kind of speech is simply not allowed

In your speech 'bout people of a certain kind
You are free to speak your mind
But you cannot say they deserve to die
Or even to get hit with a whipped cream pie

Speech is fine until it ain't
You're absolutely free to state your complaint
But your legal defense will have some weakness
If you go about sharing government secrets

Freedom of speech is never absolute
I hope in your head that by now you compute
That tho we hold free speech in our hearts
There are still limits to your remarks

The question never was o'er free speech
But rather how far we should reach
Permitting people to say their care
What is right and what is fair

America has this idea that our way is the best
When we compare us to the world there's really no contest
But stop a while and consider that others out there too
Have thought about life and what its for and how best to live it through

Though we like to think that we're ethically advanced
Wall street's done it share to show that our ethics were romanced
The only way for you and me to ever possibly be free
Will only come if we can see that everyone's as good and smart and worthy as me
... And try to not always push our pedegogery

Saturday, September 22, 2012

NOT only that

Can we take a pause, just to give recognition
To credit John Edwards the disgraceful politician
Yes Mr John Edwards, once upright and pure
Had a long way to fall, oh boy that's for sure

Now to his credit there was a time
When John Edwards like looked sublimely sublime
His marriage, his character, and his four kids
All seemed to sparkle with radiant glitz

Then he ran for president morally strong
And that was when everything started to go wrong

In 2007 he had an affair
So listen all you politicians out there
You're gonna get nipped yes your gonna get caught
So stop acting like you never gave it a thought

NOT only that, but Rielle had a kid
That ruined his possible presidental bid
So pols if you're out there looking out him with scorn
Remember: its much worse if a child is born
... This brought down the governator too so best be forewarned

NOT only that but he made a big flaw
'Cause he used campaign money - it's against the law
To use public money to cover up your sins
Wheeling and dealing just to save your own skin

NOT only that but he lied to us all
Yes he was a sham who's now hitting the wall
He went on trial and then was acquitted
But don't think to the senate he'll be readmitted

NOT only that but sadly its true
That he's not alone - no this is what pols do
Who's to save us now? Who can be trusted?
When upright politicians all seem to get busted

The great men and women with no flaw in sight
All seem to have secrets that they keep inside
So I say enough we should vote for a regular joe
... Maybe not the solution, but its one way to go


It fills me with pleasure, it fills me with glea
The the republican party - the party of tea
Has seen fit to endorse a man named Romney
Which is great, cause it rhymes with "dorky poetry"

The October election is picking up steam
And candidates are strategizing along with their teams
And asked by his supports what kind of president he'd be
Romney said he only cares about the fifty three

Do you know? Did you hear - hear what Romney just said?
I think you must have heard it, it's been very widespread
Romney is running - he wants to be the president
Of the greatest earners out there - the top fifty three percent

Now it's not uncommon, no its no surprise
To hear that a pol has been telling us lies
So bravo to Romney for telling the truth
Though it may cost him the election - its really uncouth!

Romney has told us that he'd like to be
The CEO in charge of the best fifty three
Percent of Americans - hope that means you
Cause if not, well tough luck but what can you do?

Romney is smart - 'bout as smart as can be
He speaks on the road and he speaks on TV
He's trying his hardest, he's been making his plea
To be the leader of the fifty three

There are no candidates that I adore
And voting has become a voice against the one you hate more
But when you go voting and your choice is Romney
Feel good that he's looking out for the top fifty three

Worst movies ever

Now this is a list of the worst movies ever
Many had promise but none turned out clever
Whether flawed with the acting or in the technique
These films are all special in the way that the reek

#5 Titanic

One of the top grossing films of all time
Is at number five in the worst film ever rhyme
From the start to the finish of this naval epic
The acting, the love scenes while make you feel sick
The Jack Rose affair just is so misbegotten
Please cut to the sinking this movie is rotten

#4 The Blair Witch Project

This was a film that came up with great hype
A low budget film of the independent type
The film had the power to impress movie scholars
Who loved that it only cost fifty thousand dollars

Well I'm sorry to say that despite all the hype
This film lacked the power to cause any fright
An hour and a half spent and I left in a bad mood
After scene after scene of people lost in the woods

#3 Dumb and dumber

I think that his film was meant to be bad by design
The plot and the characters so asinine
Unless you enjoy seeing stupid people in pain
I'd recommend never watching this film again

#2 Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull

At number two is Indy and his Crystal Skull
The last of the Indy's and one you should cull
Spielberg blamed Lucas for the fact that it is
One of the worst films made in the last twenty years

#1 Transformers

At number one here we have the Transformers
A graphical tragedy who scale is enormous
Just watch and see that you don't have conniptions
The unending series of graphical manipulations

Who's good and who's bad? Do we know do we care?
I do think we do it's a CG affair
As robots transform you are held in suspense
Waiting for anything to make one iota of sense

Sunday, September 16, 2012


If I have just one thing to tell
A little advice that I could lend
There's nothing that will keep you well
that's better for you than a friend

Friends are a key to a happy life
They stay will you no matter what
Even more than a husband or wife
You need friends when you're in a rut

Friends who love you hold you dear
They're always there right by your side
Yes no matter how far they're always near
If you've fallen off the ride

Friends are useful in finding your groove
They're always fun in games and play
And friends are necessary when you move
And on a cloudy, drizzly day

Friends are there through thick and thin
They pick you up when things are tough
They'll cheer you up with a sweet grin
And tell you they can't love you enough

Yes my friend heed my advice
Keep your friends in your life always
Because no matter the perils of you find in life
You'll be happy all your days.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Caroline is so extreme
Except when she is not
Somehow she know me oh so well
it ties me in a knot
How do I cope how can I live
When myself I do not know
She who knows me oh so well
It's purgatory hell
But yet each day I  have to say
She makes my life so blessed
I have to say I hope some day
That I'll reach the end of all her tests
Every day I must improve
The pressure never stops
And everyday my life improves
... except when it does not.
I wouldn't trade her for anything
despite intermittent strife
She's not s o easy day to day
But I absolutely tutti fruitti
want her for all of my life

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Republican Convention

This is the time yes the time of the year
The time for conventions is drawing quite near
The RN convention is starting again
Amidst a powerful tropic hurricane

Do I care? No I don't cause it aint got a zing
You know its impossible to follow everything
The general election is still months away
So who cares who'll remember the things that they say?

Do you care? No you don't it's a waste of your time
What with your smart phone you're always online
You've got Facebook and email and much much more
Who has got time for the pols? OMG Such a bore!

I mean lets be serious does it matter anyway?
Have you ever known a pol who would do what he'd say?
The speech at the convention hit all the right notes
But it's all about posturing looking for votes

Conservative politics it seems to me
Is one part fiscal and twenty parts tea
But they come together with a strong message that
What ever you do please don't vote Democrat
Whatever we are we're much better than THAT

Now the Supreme's given corps a free say
The airways are full of attack ads each day
This one is horrible the next even worse
And all of this blinds us to any discourse
About the real problems in the US's course

Politics are politics and they're not gonna go away
But you cannot trust anything that anyone has to say
When all of its posturing trying to buy sway
I'm sorry. I'm out, I'ma watch Project Runway.
(They are much more pleasant to look at by the way)