Saturday, December 29, 2012

Hubert and Neubert

Hubert was a train conductor
Neubert was his train
Across the land the pair would go
Over mountains through the plains

Neubert loved the things they saw
But oceans best of all
Hubert loved them too except
He loved Neubert best of all

For years and years and years and years
the two were quite the pair
For wherever you saw Neubert
You knew Hubert was near there

The train conductor's loyalty
unquestionable - beyond sway
But then a sad thing happened
On a very gloomy day

You see Neubert had gotten older
Too old to do his job
So the company had to call poor Hubert in
And tell him while he sobbed

"You're days with Neubert are over
He's too old to go on
We have another train for you
her name is Amazon"

So Hubert had a new train
and oer the plains they'd go by
But it didn't matter where they went
All Hubert did was cry

And Amazon saw Hubert
The pain that he was in
 And she knew that for poor Hubert
There was only one thing left for him

So late one night when all was dark
she crept into the station
Hubert got out and Neubert squeeked
Reunion jubilation!

Hubert boarded Neubert
And he fired up the stove
And together once again at last
Happily away they drove

And that was more than twenty years ago
But the rumors say
That if you pay attention
You can still see them today

Hubert driving Neubert
Over mountains and through plains
Neubert glad to be out again
And Hubert loves loves loves his train!

The end

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