Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Real Tooth Fairy

 As we all know children must lose their teeth
'Cause everyone knows that there's one underneath
Just itching and scratching and ready to go
For new biting new chewing and for the new show

So losing a tooth is the natural way
It's just growing older that what people say
But then there's the story it isn't so scary
About how the tooth must then get to the fairy

The Tooth Fairy's wise oh she's terribly good
But there's more here to learn than what's under the hood
'Cause she's got a bad side - oh why didn't you know?
Then I'll tell the tale if your ready - let's go!

The sweet little Fairy has got a dark secret
And if she told you she'd sure make you keep it
That after a night where there is the tooth swap
That she then trades the tooth oh yeah yeah you know what?

The tooth is then swapped the next day for pork bellies
And then swapped again in an hour into delhis
And then into shady investments they go
Like timeshares in chalets out there in Bordeaux

And then with a slight tiny wave of her wand
It all gets transformed into government bonds
The bonds into futures and before you can yawn
From there see the lines of credit that spawn

And once she's all done with her trades for the day
The market's a wreck but the fairy's okay
She's got oodles of money hidden under the carpet
And she's managed to crash the entire stock market

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