Sunday, September 15, 2024

Daddy I'm bored!

Daddy daddy I'm bored!
I need a new toy or a cord
(Dad) How bout this bee? No that's too young for me
I was thinking can I have a sword?

Daddy daddy I'm hungry
I could go eat a whole country
(Dad) How bout this sprout? No not what I'm talkin' bout
Can I have a cake that's quite buttery?

Daddy daddy I know I'm a fool
But I scrapped up my knee by the pool
(Dad) We must clean the wound - Oh my god I am doomed!
No please STOP! But can I skip school?

Daddy daddy can we watch a movie?
Something not so mature something groovy
(Dad) One from National Geographic? No... Wait that would be fantastic
Let's get started I can't wait to see

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