Saturday, September 14, 2024

Life In The Dystopia

What is true and what is not?
It's really hard to know
To deal with all this culture rot
Please uncork the Bordeaux

That have a word they like to use
And that word is "dystopia"
Where they win and where you lose
It's not a nice utopia

Republicans and Democrats
Are at each other's throat-ias
One says "dog" the other "cat"
Who is right? Yes well who knows-ia?

An iPhone or an Android
To call up on your phone-ia
All because you fell annoyed
To feel so all alone-ia

Which books are good? Which books are bad?
There's no one where to warn-ya
Perhaps the answer can be had
On the streets of fair Bologna

Dystopia dystopia
You have me on a rope-ia
When we all have esotropia(1)
Cause life's a three ring show-ia

(1)"Esotropia, a type of eye misalignment, happens when one or both eyes turn inward toward your nose" - found through, because otherwise I wouldn't know-ia!

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