Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The best sport ever

Hello all my friends lets come gather near me
We're gonna play games n just so you see it clearly
I am the best at all games in the world
Come let's get started - see my brilliance unfurled!

Be it poker or hearts or monopoly
I am the best one can possibly be
The only times in these games that I suck
Is when I just have terrible luck

Yes checkers and chess I play with finesse
I win every game I am such a success
Unstoppable undroppable I win every time
And I know that you know that I know I'm sublime

So please come right over and sit next to me
And let me treat you to a game maybe two maybe three
Just 'cus I win doesn't mean you shouldn't play
I'm a very good sport so please don't be that way

I'm considerate of your moves though they cannot compare
But you know that of course 'cause I'm the best that's out there
But I'm so polite that I'll still play with you
And humor your hubris until its all through

Yes I am the best sport ever there is no contest
When it comes to playing games I am simply the best

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