Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The best sport ever

Hello all my friends lets come gather near me
We're gonna play games n just so you see it clearly
I am the best at all games in the world
Come let's get started - see my brilliance unfurled!

Be it poker or hearts or monopoly
I am the best one can possibly be
The only times in these games that I suck
Is when I just have terrible luck

Yes checkers and chess I play with finesse
I win every game I am such a success
Unstoppable undroppable I win every time
And I know that you know that I know I'm sublime

So please come right over and sit next to me
And let me treat you to a game maybe two maybe three
Just 'cus I win doesn't mean you shouldn't play
I'm a very good sport so please don't be that way

I'm considerate of your moves though they cannot compare
But you know that of course 'cause I'm the best that's out there
But I'm so polite that I'll still play with you
And humor your hubris until its all through

Yes I am the best sport ever there is no contest
When it comes to playing games I am simply the best

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Grace under pressure is a beautiful skill
Grace to be good when you don't have will

Grace to step out of your shoes for a sec
And help someone out who is quite a wreck

Grace mixed with providence proven in time
The rarest of mixtures but the one most sublime

Grace to recover and grace to be good
Grace we don't have but we would if we could

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I don't know what I should say
I've got no ideas yet today
Inspiration is low but I'd like you know
Despite all of this I'm okay

It is important for me
To show a little dorky pedigree
I must find a rhyme but I haven't the time
Oi veh, oh woe unto me

Some of you out there - I'm sure you know how it feels
When you're searching for something, but it never appears
A sparkle or a thought - something to get you on track
But with no thoughts in my head, this poem's certain to be whack

On a cold and cloudy day
I think maybe that I should pray
Dear lord on high please tell me why
My rhymes begin to decay

A little bit of rhyming is what the people want
Me though, I don't know I think I'd prefer a croissant
Poetry's inspiring, or so they all say
Oh how I wish for a poem to inspire me today

Friday, November 2, 2012

Limericks #1

There once was a guy named Dean
Who wasn't very clean
He was dumped in the tub and thoroughly scrubbed
And said "Hey! My mom's so mean!"

There once was a girl named Sarah
Who wore a little bit too much mascara
Though she looked like a clown she did not wear a frown
And said "Hey! This is totally new era!"

There once was a boy named Rodrigo
Who had an inordinate ego
When he lost all his friends he tried to make amends
And said "Hey! Que pasa mi amigo?"

There once was a chick named Colleen
Who everyone found quite obscene
A friend told her "Hey... You're disgusting okay?"
And she said "What the fuck do you mean???"

There once was a gentleman named Mitt Romney
Who, as a candidate was sadly tawny
But he said with a stare "You had better beware!"
"If you think I'm from punxsutawney!"

There once was a guy named Barack
Who had an enormous ... ... um, political bloc
He claimed he would bring change but its more of the same
"Hey man, the Republicans blocked!"


I can't speak for all but it sure seems to me
That the hype on the hurricane as we're into day three
Is not very interesting... Its all the same faces on TV!

Hurricane's come and hurricane's go
But this one was bigger than the ones years ago
Hurricane's come in all sizes big and small
But this might have been NYC's biggest of all!
Hurricanes tend to start out over the seas
But when they hit land they take out all the trees
Tropical storms form out over the ocean
And as they get stronger they earn a promotion
Hurricanes land and when they do they explode
With tremendous energy they are bestowed
Are you a hurricane? No you are not
In front of the hurricane you don't mean scott
However if I say, and if you'll allow me
Like a hurricane - well that's just what some people'd like to be!
I don't mean to alarm, I don't mean to be scary
I'm not naming names so please don't be wary
But sometimes within our domestic tranquility
I can get confused 'tween a hurricane and my wifey!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Carribean Food

When you are hungry or in a bad mood
When you are lonely and others been rude
When you feel like today you got screwed
You need delicious Carribean food!

If you're looking for some good finger lickin
Then may I suggest that you get some jerk chicken
It comes with some sides but the best if you please
Is get it with broccoli, rice with the peas

But if the jerk chicken does not fit your boat
Then maybe you ought to consider curry goat
Beyond delicious is how I'd describe
But just taste it - go on, and you can decide

But if that doesn't do it and you still want more
You'll never believe the delicious entrees in store

But look its okay if goat's not your wish
'Cause otherwise you might want to try the jerk fish
It may look a little scary when served on the plate
But don't let that put you off, because it tastes great!