Sunday, October 28, 2012


I don't like you. I don't like you. You are not my friend
No you can't sit next to me our friendship's at an end

No I will not talk to you; I wish you'd go away!
You are so pedantic I don't know what to say!

Better off without you,alone I scintillate
But when you're near sorry my dear my soul you consternate

You're so formulaic, while I shine like mosaic
Just leave right now I don't care how 'cause life is not prosaic

You are just so hectic you make me apoplectic
No we're not friends and now it ends within this dialectic

You are not artistic. You are not synergistic
Your logic's bad - no don't get mad that you are anachronistic!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

My life

I must admit I can't recall the days when I was one
But based on everything I've heard I was quite the charming son!
Some kids learn to walk real fast but that was not my way
On all fours I'd lap the floor in a blindingly fast display

When I was two I knew I'd grew much bigger and better by far
I also learned my first word ever - the word I learned was "car"
Now everyone knows that cars have four wheels, and a stroller does too
So what's the difference really? Well, there was none that I could construe!

By the time I was three (oh my oh me!) I had my first girlfriend
Her name was Nicole and she was real droll and she lived down the block at the end
And every day together, every chance I'd get
I'd ask her to marry me, and she'd say "okay, but not yet"

When I was four we moved to New York and I was too young to love from afar
But even more I cried and cried when my parents, when they sold the car!
To Montessori school I went and bigger and bigger I grew
We sang some songs and did some art - and I ate a whole lot of glue

... To be continued

Friday, October 19, 2012

The Yankees are in trouble

The day is October the nineteenth
Two thousand and twelve AD
And it is a sad day in Gotham
Especially if you're a Yankee

Bet you've heard about this news already
But the Yankees were swept by Detroit
In the four games that they played together
The Yankees were just maladroit

Yes I'm sorry to say its all over
After one hundred seventy one games
The Yankees are out of the playoffs
And the season has gone up in flames

So now all the attention we gave them
And all of our hopes have been dashed
The Yankees are out of the playoffs
And they might as well just have come last

Its a terrible thing to be beaten
Out of the playoffs to be bounced
But its a whole 'nother thing when your swept from the ring
Like the Yankees who the Tigers just trounced

How could this ever have happened?
Who fault is it? Who's to blame?
You can say that baseball's a team sport
But right now I need a name

Someone has got to be fired
Yes somebody's head has to roll
Guys the Yankees are out of the playoffs so obviously
Please point me to who has to go

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Red streaks start to creep into the room
   As dawn begins, and the sun is on the rise.

And I touch her back: brown, I know, though I can't see it, and smooth as a baby's bottom, as they say.
   Her eyes, round and brown. He eyes (so disarming) that peer into my soul.

All is quiet, except we making love. The sun continues to rise
   And I could swear I hear the earth singing

The best parent ever

I will be the best parent ever
watch - I know I will
My own parents weren't so clever
They haven't my skill

To start with my kids - they won't cry
Because it is banned
Just come see you can't deny
Its worked out like I planned

The absolute epidome
of cleanliness they'll be
Just come around and then you'll see
my plans played out splendiforously

The kids will be so well bred
A delight to hear and a sight to see
And every morn they'll make their beds
And every night they'll make us tea

What's that you say
You've seen the kids?
They're jumpting around on the bed?
Can't be our kids
No how no way
That's not how they have been bred

(Sheesh stop it kids please cut it out
you are wrecking our home
... My plans undone, there's no doubt
A cruel end to my dorky poem)

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Is it just me or is there something wrong
With days when the rain does its thing for so long?
Morning to noontime and into the night
The rain goes and swallows up all of the light

When I wake up and the sky is that grey
I dream of staying in bed through the day
The dreariness sogginess bums me right out
I don't want to move and I don't wanna go out

I wish that the sun would come back up today
If my wish should come true I would yell out "hurray!"
But just like a six hundred ton impregnable train
There is no stopping this ponderous rain

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Where'd it go?

It's lost I can't find it
Its nowhere to be found
And I've search the whole place over
Yet it must still be around

I've searched in bedroom
I've searched on the floor
But its not in the living room
Or hanging from the door

Searching searching searching
Until my face turns blue
But I must keep on searching
Until the task is through

... Honestly, what should I do?

I need it it's vital
But its very hard to find
I've searched up and down this place
I think I've lost my mind

I'm at a loss to figure out
Just where it could be hiding
Endeavoring to calm myself
But chaos is abiding

I've given up it won't be found
With reason or with science
And therefore I'm considering
that I may need a seance

... Nothing rhymes with seance, okay? But I need one - so BACK OFF!!!

Oh my life is hell
I've nothing more to tell
I hope you all are well!