Wednesday, September 13, 2023

The "It's not fair" doom spiral

Nothing's ever fair - when you're in a tiff.
There's nothing I can do for you - when you're hanging off that cliff.
When you are so excitedly - yelling all you can at me
Of course it isn't fair.

It's never ever enough I know - When I say "It's time to go"
And you go ballistic through the roof!
"Just one more" you'll plead and say - "Just one more ONE MORE today!!!"
And I say "no" and pretend to be whining-proof.

And then we both are frustrated - and all the fun is deflated.
And one of us must go on a time out.
I like to give you things you like - I like to let you ride your bike.
But when it's over you always seem to want to scream and shout!

I am old and you are young - and there's nothing can be done.
I wish there was a way for you to see.
It's not fair that I am old - and you must listen when you're told.
It's just not fair how could it ever be?

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