Thursday, September 21, 2023

Sing me a song

 Sing me a song not to short not to long; I'm dying to hear your voice.

Whatever you sing me it cannot be wrong; I'll be happy, not matter your choice.

Speak out a rhyme it need not be sublime; whatever you sing will be ours.

Please hold me close for a moment in time; Just you and me in the days waning hours.

Let us stay still pretend we're in Brazil and time isn't moving at all.

Please stay with me darling stay right here until... 'til in dreamland I ... I ... (zzzzz)

Friday, September 15, 2023

I am so excited to go back to school!

The fall means going back to school and boy am I excited!
So excited because that means we need fireworks ignited!
And after that we'll leave the cat and go see dear Aunt May.
Then would be the perfect time to hit the beaches in en jay (NJ)
And then how 'bout a baseball game to celebrate the end?
And on the way back home can we see Billy 'round the bend?
Then back to school! - Oh no, I forgot! I need a film on Camelot!
And finally just one thing left to do...
I need a trip to Timbuktu!

I'm so excited to return to school!

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

The "It's not fair" doom spiral

Nothing's ever fair - when you're in a tiff.
There's nothing I can do for you - when you're hanging off that cliff.
When you are so excitedly - yelling all you can at me
Of course it isn't fair.

It's never ever enough I know - When I say "It's time to go"
And you go ballistic through the roof!
"Just one more" you'll plead and say - "Just one more ONE MORE today!!!"
And I say "no" and pretend to be whining-proof.

And then we both are frustrated - and all the fun is deflated.
And one of us must go on a time out.
I like to give you things you like - I like to let you ride your bike.
But when it's over you always seem to want to scream and shout!

I am old and you are young - and there's nothing can be done.
I wish there was a way for you to see.
It's not fair that I am old - and you must listen when you're told.
It's just not fair how could it ever be?

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Fighting against the dirt

One thing that comes with children is lots and lots of dirt.

It's hiding under fingernails or underneath a skirt.

It's piled high against the sky in all your rugby clothes.

It's all along your shins my dear and inside your earlobes.

There's mounds and mounds and mounds and mounds in your new t-shirt.

And I can't find the broom because... it's buried in the dirt.

And what to do (I wish I knew) but when I do the math

It seems to me (unhappily) that our whole house needs a bath!

Monday, September 11, 2023

Every day with my spouse

 Every day with my spouse is a blessing, and your company never gets old.

Every day with my spouse I'm inspired, to do more than just what I'm told.

Every day with my love is a challenge, everyday there's something else new.

Every day I am so thankful, that God said that I should be with you.

Friday, September 8, 2023

Be Kind

For all things your given, for all the suns that shined in all the ways that I love you I hope you will be kind.

For all the things that you will learn and all the things you'll find, I hope in your exploring that you'll remember to be kind.

In successes and in failures, and when you're in a bind, in loves that soar and loves that fail I hope you'll be aligned, with work you've been prisons you're confined, in love that so sublime - I just hope...

I hope you will be kind.


Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Summer's revenge

 Holy cow it's hot. Outside? No, I will not.

Summertime I love you, except when you're too hot. If you think you're always good, I'll tell you - you are not!

Oh sure who doesn't love to bask in summers rays? But I would rather stay inside for hot hot summer heat waves.

So summer please do listen to what I have to say. I want it hot BUT NOT TOO HOT so I can play all day.

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Don't tell me summer's over!

 Don't tell me summer's over it cannot cannot be

Oh daddy I'm not ready don't you dare not play with me

It simply can't be over no never not at all.

Don't tell me that it is and that the summer's turned to fall.

Dear mommy please don't trick me. Don't play me for the fool.

'Cause it must still be summer as I won't go back to school.

I need someone to tell me what I might do or say

To hold on to the summer for one more extra day

Monday, September 4, 2023

Daddy where are your milkies?

 Daddy where are your milkies? I really need to know

Are they in your finger? Are they in your toe?

Are they in your abdomen? Are they in your butt?

Are they in your esophagus are they… what what what?

You’re telling me you’ve no milkies? No that must be a tease

Just tell me daddy won’t you? Just tell me daddy PLEASE!

You really have no milkies?? Not anywhere on you?

Well then aren’t you useless! So tell me what do you do?

Don’t tell me that you do a job and earn a living wage 

If you’ve got no milkies, I will not be assuaged!

Sunday, September 3, 2023


 Once upon a time ‘twas a town by the nook 

The most odd and wondrous Catamacook

 For in this small town they called Catamacook 

You could only do things if you’d the letters it took

So you could not play without a “p” “l” “y” and “a”

And to “sing” while you “swing” could be so hard to do 

Unless every letter you had was times two

(Not to mention a trip to neighboring “Kalamazoo”)

But it made people clever and they’d never whine

For in Catamacook they quite fancied the wine

And it made them quite thoughtful yes they’d use their brains 

As a way to stave off the drumming of rains 

Yes it Catamacook it was quite hard to “quit”

so so much easier just to “do” “it”

And they were very kind they’d never give you a shove

Yes in Catacook they saved all “o”s “v”s “e”s to love 

Every home is a death trap

(Roughly to the tune of “ home on the range” -

I might still be small only 8 short months tall 

But I’ve learned a few things to be sure

As I crawl ‘round the house and make friends with a mouse

I feel one hundred percent quite secure 

All the things off the floor that I put in my mouth 

I am sure there’s no way I could get foot and mouth 

And as I stand up and climb up the bookshelf 

I am sure it would never fall down on myself

And in the bathroom right under the sink 

I see so many things that’d be delightful to drink 

And on every wall is a friendly looking socket

That I’d just like to meet and put into my pocket 

The oven looks fun I think I’ll play right there 

And throw all my stuffed animals unto its fiery care

My parents are wise and I tell you with glee

For a home that could never not ever hurt me