Thursday, December 8, 2022

Timmy The Turtle Flew South

 Timmy the Turtle was swimming around one day, when he thought to himself:

"It's gotten quite chilly in here! I think it's time I migrate south"

So Timmy packed up all his belongings and... wait, turtles don't migrate!

Timmy: I do

And how do you migrate, Timmy?

Timmy: I fly

Fly? How can you fly? You have no wings!

Timmy: I fly just like you do. By airplane!

and how do you book a ticket on an airplane?

Timmy: I call and make a reservation using my shell phone. I called American Airlines and told them I want the soonest flight out to south beach, Miami.

So Timmy made a reservation to head to Miami, Floria. On the day of his flight, he traveled to the airport... Wait a minute, how does a turtle "travel" alone to an airport?

Timmy: I went by shell-o-copter

Ah, I see. And you were just traveling by yourself, right? No family or friends?

Timmy: It might sound like I was being selfish. But turtles cannot be selfish, for the same reason they cannot be shellfish (though I did dress up as a lobster one halloween) - turtles are not fish!

So Timmy flew south for the winter, took the elevator - sorry, shell-e-vator to his apartment, and hung out at Venice beach, and wooed all the female turtles - wait.a second, there are no turtles on Venice beach!

Timmy: Mr. narrator, surely by now you must have realized that nearly anything is possible if you have a shell and you can find another word that can be "shell-ified"

Narrator: I'm beginning to. Timmy, why don't you go on with your own story. I've been shellacked

Timmy: Ha ha ha that was a good one mr. Narrator! And thus Timmy the turtle was recognized as the greatest turtle - nay, the greatest amphibian the world(!) has ever known. The tales of Timmy the Turtle "shell" live on for all time!

Shell we continue?

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