Friday, September 2, 2022

One "control" to rule them all

 If there was just one thing out there
That I could control
It's not my lunch, or my dinner or
A lovely sausage roll

It's not the car and where we drive
It's not the bees in their bee hive
It's not the TV nor how its wired
It's not the kiddies when they're tired

Not my age as I grow older
Not the thermostat as I grow colder
Not the clouds and not the seas
Not the dog infused with fleas

Not the news and not the cat
Not the jumping acrobat
Not the frogs and not the toads
Nor thermonuclear launch codes

There's just one thing I'd wish to control
It's not a rat and not a mole
If just one thing God would grant me
The thing I'd like to control - is me!

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