Thursday, August 13, 2020

I am worthy of "how lucky am I"

Now there is a book by this guy Doctor Suess
He wrote about cats and of dogs and a goose
He wrote about eggs that are green with some ham
And he wrote something else on how lucky I am

"How lucky am I" is the name of the book
If you need some cheering then go have a look
Because when you think and you pay it some mind
You have to conclude "Wow how lucky am I?"

But I haven't read it (though I probably should)
If I only read it I think that I could
Deal with myself so compassionately
Where I'd say "hey" just how lucky is me?

I always loved Suess and his wonderful rhymes
But maybe without I can still have good times?
I needn't that book it can stay on the shelf
'Cause I know I can do it - I can (and will) love myself

I have all the knowledge and have all the tools
I'll use all my talents and my biofuels
I don't need a cat and I don't need a fish
Because I know how worthy is that guy Herr ich

When I'm in the doldrums and I have despair
When I get that feeling I'm not here or there
Nothing is missing I have all I care
This is my "How worthy am I" reminder prayer

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