Friday, August 14, 2020

The proper place for toys (Parents only)

I have many toys yes I certainly do
A tickle-me Elmo and a red kazoo
Stuffed animals yes just like in the zoo
Toys of America red white and blue

And I have to tell you and you must learn well
Listen quite carefully to all I will tell
The place for a toy is not out in the dell
Nor is it proper to store with aunt Nell

It's definitely not right to leave with our aunt Dover
Much better to leave them all in the Range Rover
The place for a toy is not by a clover
It's where I can put it for you to  trip over

The best place to leave toys could be with the cat
To push them in front of you then you fall flat
Best into the oven where we can conspire
To ignite a wonderful structural fire

Dear mommy and daddy you must understand
I love all my toys they're the best in the land
And you will just love to see what I have planned
With toys to trip over right by your nightstand

I'm sure that you like to ask and to know why
I think it's so funny to plan all the ways you could die
It's not that I promise I'm a loving little guy
Who thinks it is funny to give you a black eye

Thursday, August 13, 2020

I am worthy of "how lucky am I"

Now there is a book by this guy Doctor Suess
He wrote about cats and of dogs and a goose
He wrote about eggs that are green with some ham
And he wrote something else on how lucky I am

"How lucky am I" is the name of the book
If you need some cheering then go have a look
Because when you think and you pay it some mind
You have to conclude "Wow how lucky am I?"

But I haven't read it (though I probably should)
If I only read it I think that I could
Deal with myself so compassionately
Where I'd say "hey" just how lucky is me?

I always loved Suess and his wonderful rhymes
But maybe without I can still have good times?
I needn't that book it can stay on the shelf
'Cause I know I can do it - I can (and will) love myself

I have all the knowledge and have all the tools
I'll use all my talents and my biofuels
I don't need a cat and I don't need a fish
Because I know how worthy is that guy Herr ich

When I'm in the doldrums and I have despair
When I get that feeling I'm not here or there
Nothing is missing I have all I care
This is my "How worthy am I" reminder prayer