Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Damnable in America

The bible says there's seven sins most evil in this life
But I say *pssh* that's olden times no need for all that strife

In fact in modern times you're unaware I must presume
For the only sin we have these days is if you don't consume!

Gluttony *pssh* what a crock! Go give it a good try
Eat and eat and eat but also buy and buy and buy!

They say that you're too greedy? Take too much for yourself?
Well tell them buy another one there's much more on the shelf

Pride? Such utter nonsense to deny yourself self-love
You've got your Visa Mastercard and that diamond studded glove!

Envy is a good thing something that I endorse
If your friend should have a pony well then you should buy a horse!

And please don't let the haters talk of sloth at all
Just because you ride in style while they walk to the mall

Go no be vain why not okay for that's what money's for
Spend it on your Gucci bags don't give it to the poor!

And wrath is no big deal my friends and I will tell you why
It's really not so sinful ... just remember buy buy buy!

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