Tuesday, November 30, 2021


Chanukah oh Chanukah
Oh why do you exist?
On all the days the whole year 'round
Today we do the twist?

The Maccabees were winners despite all their fears
But Judah was then reconquered in only 30 years

Chanukah oh Chanukah
Just what is this about?
I do not mean to kill your buzz
Just want to figure out

This all seems so crazy. It all happened so long ago
A miracle. Of oil? Is that true and how do we know?

Chanukah oh Chanukah
It's hard for me to see
How this celebration
Isn't story over history?

But at least we don't need a Christmas tree!!!!!


Sunday, November 21, 2021

Na ma - stay

Oh all the people in the world
And of all the people not
There is one person in the world
I've known since t'was a tot

I've called her mom for oh so long
A proper English daisy
And every time that we meet up
We make each other crazy

"Mom I can't I can't right now"
"Then shall I go away?"
"No mom please I don't want that"
"Instead oh na-ma... stay"

"I do not mean to cause you harm"
"Don't let me wreck your day"
"What's done is done and here we are"
"Oh mommy nommy stay"

"What's that? she says "No that's not right"
"nommy??? oh dear I say!"
"It's just a rhyme get over it"
"Oh sorry don't go away"

"Don't go away? Why heaven's not?"
"Your syllables aren't right"
"And here we go again now mom"
"You're starting up a fight"

"Not me not me my precious son"
"Don't let us go this way"
"You've gotten very riled up"
"Listen to your mother: namaste"

I like dorky poetry

I like dorky poetry
Some flimmy flammy flow-etry
I shout it when I climb a tree
That I like dorky poetry

I like dorky poetry

it's filling for the soul in me

And here on land and out at sea

I'm a swashbuckling mate-y

I like super-crazy rhymes

(To tell the truth they are sublime)

So when I swing upon a vine

I shout: "I love a dorky rhyme!"

It's better than biology

Easier than interferometry

More real than eating tofurkey

More sane than scientology

More than a boat upon the Rhine

More than a tale about a swine

More than a prickly porcupine

I love a dorky snorky rhyme"

So join me please of this I'd pray

That you and I with words can play

On Monday straight to Saturday

And in the end we say "Hurray!"

I live with a compost fanatic

I live with a compost fanatic
To compost just makes her ecstatic
And she's in such a mood
With non-compostable food 
And says "God my life is traumatic"