Monday, December 20, 2021

Omicron (2)

I think we've got you oma-wrong

All that you need's an 0ma 

A puff from an Oma 

And we'll be great


I've known you not so 

I like you in a 
You know you turn me 
Can we share a 

That would be great

(If you are a party who owns the copyrights to any of these images and wants me to stop using your image, please leave a note in the comments and I'll be happy to comply)

Sunday, December 19, 2021


Winter is here. It's cold outside
And today I'm feeling woebegone
All of the feeling deep inside
Just thinking about Omicron

In just two days the winter solstice
So glad to be at home-icron
So dark, I think I'll call up beatrice
Using my mobile phone-icron

The days sure must be dark I think
If you like in Alaska's Nome-icron
The trees have lights in blue and pink
But boy I feel alone-icron

And how much more I wonder
will this persist, I don't know-micron
How many will it sunder
While we reminisce on the snow-micron

Tuesday, November 30, 2021


Chanukah oh Chanukah
Oh why do you exist?
On all the days the whole year 'round
Today we do the twist?

The Maccabees were winners despite all their fears
But Judah was then reconquered in only 30 years

Chanukah oh Chanukah
Just what is this about?
I do not mean to kill your buzz
Just want to figure out

This all seems so crazy. It all happened so long ago
A miracle. Of oil? Is that true and how do we know?

Chanukah oh Chanukah
It's hard for me to see
How this celebration
Isn't story over history?

But at least we don't need a Christmas tree!!!!!


Sunday, November 21, 2021

Na ma - stay

Oh all the people in the world
And of all the people not
There is one person in the world
I've known since t'was a tot

I've called her mom for oh so long
A proper English daisy
And every time that we meet up
We make each other crazy

"Mom I can't I can't right now"
"Then shall I go away?"
"No mom please I don't want that"
"Instead oh na-ma... stay"

"I do not mean to cause you harm"
"Don't let me wreck your day"
"What's done is done and here we are"
"Oh mommy nommy stay"

"What's that? she says "No that's not right"
"nommy??? oh dear I say!"
"It's just a rhyme get over it"
"Oh sorry don't go away"

"Don't go away? Why heaven's not?"
"Your syllables aren't right"
"And here we go again now mom"
"You're starting up a fight"

"Not me not me my precious son"
"Don't let us go this way"
"You've gotten very riled up"
"Listen to your mother: namaste"

I like dorky poetry

I like dorky poetry
Some flimmy flammy flow-etry
I shout it when I climb a tree
That I like dorky poetry

I like dorky poetry

it's filling for the soul in me

And here on land and out at sea

I'm a swashbuckling mate-y

I like super-crazy rhymes

(To tell the truth they are sublime)

So when I swing upon a vine

I shout: "I love a dorky rhyme!"

It's better than biology

Easier than interferometry

More real than eating tofurkey

More sane than scientology

More than a boat upon the Rhine

More than a tale about a swine

More than a prickly porcupine

I love a dorky snorky rhyme"

So join me please of this I'd pray

That you and I with words can play

On Monday straight to Saturday

And in the end we say "Hurray!"

I live with a compost fanatic

I live with a compost fanatic
To compost just makes her ecstatic
And she's in such a mood
With non-compostable food 
And says "God my life is traumatic"

Friday, October 22, 2021

The Unbreakable Toy

When I was young there's a tale I was told
About a gadget that was very old
It's glistened and glimmered and sometimes it glowed
A towering toy made from Damascus gold

The story was of an unbreakable toy
Perhaps for a girl but I think for a boy
Made with the most indescrt'ble alloy
...That was until it met little Sam Roy

"Oh wow!" said the boy known to others as Sam
"I've been looking for this since my whole life began
I know how to break this. Yes I have a plan!"
Said the excited boy known to others as Sam

The plan that I have could come only from me
It starts with some ham from down in Tennessee
"And then it gets fun!" yelled out Sam in his glee
"I'm going to break this just watch and you'll see!"

So Sam took his ham and he started to work
He gave it a shake then he gave it a jerk
He looked at the toy and it's golden network
"I've got this" say Sam as his mouth made a smirk

And before you know it you know what he did?
He found a seam and he opened the lid
Then took it apart with a cuttlefish squid
Pretty soon it was nothing but golden liquid

... Cause there's no toy can stand up to a destructive kid

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

What version are you?

Which do you feel like is more you?

Introversion, or Extraversion?
The intro version or the extra version?
Perversion, subversion, coercion?
(Is coercion a version, or just a perversion of this poem?)
The excursion, or the incursion?
Version one, or two? Or one hundred? Or just the beta version?
A reversion, or a submersion?
A conversion, or a transversion?

What? You're leaving??
Wait wait wait where are you going? We're only two minutes into our first date!

Saturday, February 27, 2021

The Rat on a mat

I wrote this poem as a way to capture the spirit of the poetry Dr. Seuss wrote, while moving beyond his legacy of racism, as well as a reaction to the idea that play/fun always needing to be disruptive. Fun doesn't have to be racing, scoring, or winning. It can be fun just to be together and sing... or make silly rhymes!


It was sunny one day and we're ready to play
We've done all our homework already today

We were all set to go and we opened the door
When a rat shimmied in and set up on the floor

"Hello" said the rat "I have come here to play"
I am fun and funny so let's start right away

You may have heard tales of a certain bad cat
That pulled endless tricks from he outrageous hat
You might think that I'd be exactly like that
But I'm not I'm a rat with a really nice mat

And with that the rat took his mat out with glee
And said "this mat is for yoga and for tranquility"

And the next thing we knew he showed down facing dog
And Tommy and I well we stared quite agog

"A rat with a mat doing yoga with us?
"What? That that's crazy! It's totally nuts!"

"C'mon," said the rat "we will have lots of fun!"
And then we were all in pose Warrior one

But it wasn't so clear just what else we could do
So then in a moment we'd done Warrior two

"I'm a much better friend than that silly old cat!"
Said the rat as he stretched out along his whole mat

"It's time to move on from the cat and the mouse"
"It's time to be thoughtful and not wreck the house"

"That mouse that's named Mickey has nothing on me"
As Tommy and I posed in Warrior three

And we sat and we stretched and we lay in repose
And we opened our backs in a deep cobra pose

And we lay on our mats in Shraavana rest
And we said "Mr. Rat you're the best you're the best!"

Friday, February 19, 2021

Con The Composer


Con The Composter

Con the composter was black red and small
And where there was compost he'd answer the call
No matter how big and no matter how small
Con the Composer composed it all

Nellie the needler was brave strong and bright
She'd make an impression when there in sunlight
She'd so through the morning and all through the night
And she wouldn't stop until all worked out right.

Felix the Fixer was jolly and gay
So happy was he to fixed all things all day
And when he was tired he'd put them away
And say "That's it I'm done" and then go out to play

Freda the flyer was up before dawn
She'd fly all the day until sunlight was gone
And then she'd touch down and would say with a yawn
I think I'll just sleep her right here on the lawn!

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Please Give Me Your Attention

Oh daddy daddy daddy oh daddy hear my pleas
I just need your attention will you give it to me please?

Oh mommy mommy mommy can you turn and look at me?
I want to sing a song for you of doe and ray and mi

Oh brother brother brother I want to play with you
I thought you could be a shepherd so that I could be a ewe

Oh sister sister sister please take me to the fair
And maybe when we go there could you pay my entry fare?

Oh baby baby baby you want to touch my nose?
You won't begin to cry I hope but then again who knows?

Oh rover rover rover, jumping in the air?
Can you please watch me as I go to make sure I don't err.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Find Twelve Thousand votes (Parody of "Let my people go")

 Go down
Mike Pence
Way down in Georgia's land
Tell old Raffensperger
To find twelve thousand votes

Results are in, and Trump has lost
(Find twelve thousand votes)
Find a conspiracy at any cost
(Find twelve thousand votes)

So the Trump sayeth:

Go down
Mike Pence
Way down in Georgia's land
Tell old Raffensperger
To find twelve thousand votes