Thursday, December 18, 2014

My Jewish Mishpacha

Oh dear friend dear friend – Oh I’ve got some drama.
With the holidays near – Oh! My Jewish mishpacha
I need some money please lend me a Drachma
‘Cause I must contend with my Jewish mishpacha

Oh friend my dear friend won’t you give me a Zima
For I’ve got a date yes I must see my Ima
To tell you the truth man I’d really not bother
Except that I must – I’m commanded by Aba

I could just sit with a pleasant Merlot
Instead I must deal with my little achoth
I’d go to a concert and listen to Bach
But no, it’s my brother, the pain in my (erm) ach

Oh the pain oh the pain! Yes well I’ll make them see
I’m the Jew that’ll put “Jew” back in “Jubilee”
‘Cause when I've my own, yes my own Jewish mishpacha
We’ll celebrate life with our own Jewish ganja

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