Thursday, August 15, 2013

How to feed a pregnant wife?

How to feed a pregnant wife?
This is the question in my life
To bring her chicken or some steak?
Will it please or will she break?
If I come home with broccoli
Will she barf or be happy?
And if I'm serving up some bread
Will it stay, or come up instead?

If I feed her rice and peas
Will she get sick or will it please?
If I hold the peas just give her rice
Will her stomach then play nice?
If I give her diet coke
Will she swoon or will she choke?
If I make a matzah ball
Can she eat one bit at all?

Ideally I would have her fat
Eating this and eating that
However it's so unfortunate
What you want's not what you get
What to do what can I try?
To sate her and not make her cry
I feel so useless, so damn dumb
The one thing's left, is call my mum!

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