Saturday, April 6, 2013

Ode to the dorky


I have a need to say something quite dorky today
Yes I have a need to put myself up for display
There's something that's dwelling right in the center of me
An urge to get down to the business of being dorky

So I have decided that I'm gonna sing you a song
And if you would like you are welcome to come sing along
My song's about getting out, going, and doing your part
Coming together with friends, to sing from your heart

... and the chorus goes like this


This is a song about dorkiness all over the world
We've opened our mouths to sing, and we will be heard!
Open your heart and your mind and I promise you'll see
That life's pretty good when you live it dorky!

Finding your way through the day in this life can be tough
People are arrogant, mean, and insulting gruff
So always remember as you get to the end of your day
To let it all go - live your life! - Stowe your troubles away!


For all of my friends who are friends through and through
This is a dorky song dedicated to my friendship with you
If there's ever a day in your life when your down when your blue
Please remember me singing this song, and know I'm with you

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