Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Too busy to care

COVID took a million plus within the USA
Does anyone remember them? It's sad I have to say
But even with this loss of life and if we look real square
America's just too busy, much too busy to ever care

And do we care about the docs who took care of the sicker?
Not really all we care about's that the richer are getting richer
So too those who've worked so very hard to save so many dreams
It's done move on oh come along it's onto the next thing

For those who joined the army and fought in all our wars
The battered and the beaten who come home with all their sores
If you think that coming home you'll find folks grateful for your dare
I sadly have to tell you won't - because America's too busy to even care

The kids who had nutritious food all thanks to the child tax credit
We're far too busy don't you know for us to even sweat it.
The immigrants who need some help in raising their native kids
You are a burden on us and so I'm sorry but we much rid
Us of you even though we know you've never done a wrong
But we are just too busy - move along now move along 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The Power of Tea

My tea is mighty
Ur tea is dirty
Her tea is flirty
His tea is misty

No tea is naughty
Some tea haughty
All tea is malty
Sea tea is salty

... And so on, and so forth... to infini-tea