Friday, October 22, 2021

The Unbreakable Toy

When I was young there's a tale I was told
About a gadget that was very old
It's glistened and glimmered and sometimes it glowed
A towering toy made from Damascus gold

The story was of an unbreakable toy
Perhaps for a girl but I think for a boy
Made with the most indescrt'ble alloy
...That was until it met little Sam Roy

"Oh wow!" said the boy known to others as Sam
"I've been looking for this since my whole life began
I know how to break this. Yes I have a plan!"
Said the excited boy known to others as Sam

The plan that I have could come only from me
It starts with some ham from down in Tennessee
"And then it gets fun!" yelled out Sam in his glee
"I'm going to break this just watch and you'll see!"

So Sam took his ham and he started to work
He gave it a shake then he gave it a jerk
He looked at the toy and it's golden network
"I've got this" say Sam as his mouth made a smirk

And before you know it you know what he did?
He found a seam and he opened the lid
Then took it apart with a cuttlefish squid
Pretty soon it was nothing but golden liquid

... Cause there's no toy can stand up to a destructive kid

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

What version are you?

Which do you feel like is more you?

Introversion, or Extraversion?
The intro version or the extra version?
Perversion, subversion, coercion?
(Is coercion a version, or just a perversion of this poem?)
The excursion, or the incursion?
Version one, or two? Or one hundred? Or just the beta version?
A reversion, or a submersion?
A conversion, or a transversion?

What? You're leaving??
Wait wait wait where are you going? We're only two minutes into our first date!