Monday, September 28, 2020

Send me a song

 Oh God | send me a song
Help me get through this | Help me be strong

Oh God | Send me your word
And give me courage | To soar with birds

Oh God, dear God be with us | Dear god show us the way
Oh God, dead God please help me | I am ready and I will obey

Oh God | Send me your light
I want to know how | to make it right

The world is burning | The darkness surrounds
We need the savior | The trumpets to sound

Oh God, dear God we need you | The entire nation
Oh God my god I beg you to show me | The path to salvation

Blight Rhymes with Spite

Amidst the plague amidst the blight
Here in the darkness of the night
A million people lying dead
Could it have been otherwise instead?

What have we wasted? So much we lost
Upon the seas of tempest tossed
And for what? What have we won?
What will they say when all is done?

Selfish to a breaking point
Looking to ourselves anoint
And to the poor we turned away
So far from justice we went astray

An era gone it's hard to reckon
Dear god I pray please do us beckon
What should we think? What must we be?
How can we find some sanctuary