Saturday, November 9, 2019

Why aren't you stressed?

Hey there person. hey there friend. Hey welcome to our school
Our school's the best you'll be impressed That we have just one rule
If you wan to join us. If you want to have some fun
Then let me tell you what to do you follow our rule 1

Rule 1 is such a good rule to which you'll be impressed
This rule as you will realize is that you must be stressed
Yes everyone must do this for this is our one rule
If not your are too lazy, if not you are not cool

You can be mean or scary or pee pee on a stool
But if you are not stressed out, you've broken our one rule
You can be brown or yellow or anything in between
But if you are not stressed out then right here you can't be seen

You don't want to be stressed you say you've come here just to learn?
Oh dear oh dear I'll make it clear I'm sorry to be stern
But this school's not for learning, see?  we're here so we succeed
And if you want to be like us
  I think you must be stressed like us
    and then you will be blessed like us
So very blessed indeed

To heck with fancy pedagogy we do not need such things
I'll show you what just follow up being stressed brings all good things

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Iotas for friends

If you'd like to be added to or removed from this poem, please email me at

Iotas for Friends

This one goes out to my farrier friend
The one I adore and will love to the end
I have no horseshoe to bring you to mend
But you are my wonderful -beautiful!- farrier friend!

This one goes out to my friend named Paulette
She's really somebody you can't forget
She's very charming and I'll take the bet
That one day she could be a Paulette Smolett

This one goes out to my sister say what!
Who's known far and wide for her fierce uppercut
She's basically great but she's sometimes a nut
So here's to my sister who really kicks butt

This one goes out to my sister in law
She is a beauty someone I adore
She hosts us in Kenya never shows us the door
My wonderful beautiful sister in law

This one goes out to my very dear dad
The same one that I've had since I was a lad
He's a great man and oh so very clever
I'll remember you dad! Forever and ever...